International Thespian Festival 2024

International Thespian Festival 2024

June, 2024

Lied Center, Lincoln, Nebraska

About This Festival

The International Thespian Festival held in Lincoln, Nebraska is a captivating celebration of all things theatrical. This vibrant event brings together aspiring actors, directors, and theater enthusiasts from around the globe for a week filled with creativity and inspiration. The festival offers an array of activities and attractions that cater to every theatrical interest. Attendees can participate in workshops led by industry professionals, where they can learn new techniques and hone their skills. They also have the opportunity to perform on stage, showcasing their talent to a supportive audience of fellow thespians. The festival features exciting performances by renowned theater companies and allows attendees to immerse themselves in diverse productions from musicals to contemporary plays. Additionally, there are opportunities for networking and connecting with like-minded individuals who share a passion for the performing arts.